Monday, December 30, 2013


1. Welcoming the new year in the company of deceased friends and relations in a candle-lit graveyard - Talca, Chile

2. Attempting to understand animal speech. If you can hear the animals talk, it's a bad omen. If you can't, the new year will be a good one - Romania

3. Banging old bread on the walls to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck - Ireland

4. Throwing old microwaves and other unwanted furniture from the window - Johannesburg, South Africa

5. Cutting a hole in the surface of a frozen lake and diving to the bottom while carrying a dead tree - Siberia, Russia

Sunday, December 29, 2013

our social campaign

My job was collecting articles and different topics about the children violence. then, launch a Facebook and twitter account

here is a link of the 2 account :

How Do PR Differ From Advertising and Marketing

1 - How Do PR Differ From Advertising ?
- There is some confusion between publicity (one area of PR) and advertising.
- Although both terms use Mass Media for dissemination of messages, the format and context are different.
- Publicity which is defined as: disseminating planned messages through selected media to achieve the organization’s interests or simply: information about an event, individual or group, or a product; appears as a news item or  feature story in the mass media.
- Media editors known as gate keepers would determine whether the material will be used or simply thrown away.
- Advertising in contrast is paid space and broadcast time through a contract with the advertising department in the mass media.
- The organization controls and decides on the ad content and design and every other aspect so ads are just renting space from the mass medium.

2-  How do PR Differ from Marketing?

- —PR is distinct from Marketing although their boundaries often overlap.
- Both PR and Marketing deal with organization’s relationships and employ similar communication tools to reach the public.
- —Both have the ultimate purpose of assuring an organization’s success and economic survival.
- —But each of them approach this task from a different perspective.